Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Social Health Changing Individual Behaviour -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Social Health Changing Individual Behaviour? Answer: Introduction Despite the fact that the society is made up of individuals, it is a fact worth noting that there inevitable communal practices which determine the general wellness of people. Sound health may not only be a function of individual behaviors but a myriad factor which include the various activities which take place within an environment[1]. Tackling the SDOH require a holistic approach. Some of the social determinants of health include; economic stability, education, transportation operations, social support and norms just to mention but few. It can be noted that each of these elements cover a wide scope hence the need for an extensive response in the process of obtaining long lasting solutions. This lags the ones aimed at changing individual behavior. Additionally, education which is a basic social need can provide the right platform for addressing the aspect of behavioral change. Tackling the social determinants take a lot of time which lags the efforts on behavioral change. Lastly, behavioral change can easily happen once the social determinants have been adequately addressed[2]. Through education, individuals can be taught on the importance of positive behavioral change in enhancing a healthy society. By establishing rehabilitation centers, people can be dissuaded off smoking and use of drugs which are individual behaviors. Tackling the social determinants of health therefore remains a priority which explains why these efforts lag the ones aimed at changing individual behavior. References American Academy of Pediatrics, business-law: 2015 report of the committee on infectious diseases (Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics:2015) 12. Arcangelo, V and Peterson, A, Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: a practical approach. (Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins: 2013)50 [1] American Academy of Pediatrics, Red book: 2015 report of the committee on infectious diseases (Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics:2015) 12. [2] Arcangelo, V and Peterson, A, Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: a practical approach. (Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins: 2013)50

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